Saturday, February 23, 2008

New Dinner :/

Musing from a 14 y/o 
So this is my take on what my mom would write if she were to do this
Note: I am talking as my mom while using all my words  

Haha so today i thought I'd try to mix it up with with the evening meal enough of those pasta and rice with beans-easy dinners that are always great when your in a rush but tad boring!... so today i had time so i pondered (Think! Think!) on when i could make... and then like an apple falling from a tree and hitting my noggin comes a delectably delicious article in a hip mag um....forgot the name lol anyways it just looked delish  so i went out with the kiddies to the supermarket got all the ingredients came home and in an hour or so it was ready to eat it smelled sooo good(i was glad i found that mag :]) and for the most part my kids liked it well 3 out of 5 of them the other two are a 12 year old who was not at home for this treat of a meal and the other was a 6 month old who maybe in a month of two will have his first taste of food, all organic of course! I'm not really into that baby food imo(in my opinion) all it is is processed JUNK lol now you just had a squeeze of my life at the time on mustering up something to make for din-din  haha well hope you had a ride stay tuned for when i try to make homemade bread! YUMMMM 



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